The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

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The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE video training straight out of his popular $500 course – Overnight Clients

How to Write Faster: 25 Proven Ways to Double Your Writing Speed TODAY



Let’s face it.

Every copywriter dreams of mastering the art of speed writing.

Imagine doubling your writing speed without sacrificing quality. Sounds like a fantasy, right? But it's not. In fact, you can learn how to write faster starting today.

Think about the freedom you'd gain, the stress you'd cut, and the income you'd boost by cranking out high-quality copy in half the time.

It's a game-changer for anyone serious about their writing career. Today, I'll share 25 proven tips from top-notch writers that will transform your writing process overnight.

So, buckle up and get ready to dive into a treasure trove of fast writing tips that will have you churning out content at lightning speed. The journey to becoming a faster writer starts now.


5 Reasons Why You’ll Benefit from Writing Faster


1. More Time for Creativity and Revision

When you learn how to write faster, you free up precious time. Instead of spending hours agonizing over each word, you can draft quickly and then focus on refining your content. This means more time to brainstorm creative ideas, fine-tune your copy, and polish your work to perfection. The faster you write, the more time you have to ensure your final product is top-notch.

2. Increased Productivity

Imagine the impact on your workload if you could double your writing speed. You’d be able to tackle more projects, meet tight deadlines with ease, and impress your clients with your efficiency. The ability to produce quality content quickly can set you apart from other copywriters and make you a go-to resource for your clients.

3. Higher Income Potential

Time is money, especially in the freelance world. When you can write faster, you can take on more clients and projects without compromising quality. This means a higher earning potential. By mastering how to write fast, you’re not just improving your skills; you’re also boosting your bottom line.

4. Reduced Stress and Burnout

Long, drawn-out writing sessions can be mentally exhausting. By learning how to increase writing speed, you can reduce the time spent staring at a blank screen and decrease overall stress. Faster writing means you can maintain a healthier work-life balance, reducing the risk of burnout and keeping your passion for writing alive.

5. Enhanced Reputation

Delivering high-quality work quickly can enhance your reputation in the industry. Clients value efficiency and reliability. By showcasing your ability to provide fast, effective solutions, you build trust and establish yourself as a professional who can be counted on. This can lead to more referrals and long-term client relationships.


25 Writing Tips from Pro Writers to Increase Your Writing Speed Overnight

Tip 1: Use an Outline

One of the fastest ways to increase writing speed is to start with a clear outline.

Gary Halbert, a legendary copywriter, always emphasized the importance of structuring your thoughts before diving into the actual writing. An outline helps you organize your ideas and provides a roadmap, so you’re never stuck wondering what to write next.

Outlining saves time by giving you a clear direction and reducing the need for extensive rewrites. It also helps you stay focused and ensures your writing flows logically from one point to the next. Spend a few minutes outlining your key points and subpoints before you start writing, and watch how it transforms your writing speed.


Tip 2: Set a Timer

hour glass

One of the best speed writing tips is to set a timer.

This technique, often referred to as the Pomodoro Technique, involves working in short, focused bursts. Dan Kennedy, a renowned marketing expert, advocates for this method to maintain high productivity levels.

Set a timer for 33.33 minutes and commit to writing non-stop until the timer goes off. This creates a sense of urgency and helps you stay focused on the task at hand. After the 33.33 minutes, take a 5-minute break to recharge. Repeat this cycle and you'll notice a significant boost in your writing speed. This approach minimizes distractions and keeps you in the flow, leading to faster and more efficient writing sessions.


Tip 3: Set Clear Goals

Setting clear, specific goals for your writing session can significantly boost your writing speed. Instead of vaguely aiming to "write," set a target, like completing a 1,000-word draft or finishing a particular section of your project. This technique is often recommended by productivity experts like Brian Tracy.

When you have a clear goal, your mind knows exactly what you're aiming to achieve, making it easier to stay focused and motivated. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, and set a deadline for each. This approach helps you maintain a steady pace and prevents you from feeling overwhelmed, ultimately leading to faster and more efficient writing sessions.


Tip 4: Use a Template

Using templates can be a game-changer when it comes to learning how to write faster.

Templates provide a pre-structured format that you can follow, which eliminates the need to start from scratch each time you begin a new project.

A well-designed template can guide your writing process, ensuring that you cover all necessary points while maintaining a consistent flow. It reduces the cognitive load of figuring out the structure, allowing you to focus more on content creation. Save your best-performing pieces as templates for future use, tweaking them as needed for different projects. This method not only speeds up your writing but also ensures consistency and quality in your work.


Tip 5: Practice Freewriting

Freewriting is a powerful technique to boost your writing speed. It involves writing continuously for a set period without worrying about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. The goal is to get your thoughts down on paper as quickly as possible.

Set a timer for 10 minutes and write without stopping. Don't overthink; just let your ideas flow. This method helps you overcome writer's block and gets you into the habit of writing more fluidly. After the freewriting session, you can go back and edit your work, but the initial burst of writing will often contain the raw material you need to craft your final piece. This technique can dramatically increase your output and reduce the time you spend agonizing over each word.


Tip 6: Use Speech-to-Text Software


One of the most effective fast writing tips is to leverage technology like speech-to-text software.

Speaking is often faster than typing, and using speech-to-text tools can significantly increase your writing speed.

Programs like Dragon NaturallySpeaking or even the built-in dictation features on your smartphone or computer can transcribe your spoken words into text.

Start by outlining your ideas, then speak your content aloud. The software will capture your words, allowing you to quickly produce a draft. You can then go back and edit for clarity and accuracy. This approach not only speeds up the writing process but also helps you articulate your thoughts more naturally and fluidly.


Tip 7: Talk Out Loud as You Write

Talking out loud as you write can significantly enhance your writing speed.

This technique helps you maintain a natural flow and ensures your writing sounds conversational and engaging. When you vocalize your thoughts, it can also help you identify awkward phrasing or unclear ideas more quickly.

Start by explaining your main points aloud as if you're talking to a friend. Then, transcribe those spoken words onto the page. This approach makes it easier to get your ideas out without overthinking each sentence. It also helps you stay focused and reduces the chances of getting stuck on a particular section.

By talking through your content, you can write more confidently and efficiently.


Tip 8: Meditate Before Writing


Taking a few minutes to meditate before writing can work wonders for your writing speed.

Meditation helps clear your mind, reduce stress, and improve focus—all essential for efficient writing. When you're calm and centered, you can tap into your creativity more easily and stay on task without getting distracted.

Spend 5-10 minutes practicing mindfulness or deep breathing exercises before you start your writing session. This short period of meditation can help you transition into a productive state of mind, making it easier to get into the flow and write more quickly.

You'll find that a relaxed mind can process ideas more clearly, leading to faster and more coherent writing.


Tip 9: Write Daily

Consistency is key when it comes to improving your writing speed. Make writing a daily habit. The more you write, the more natural and efficient the process becomes. Just like any other skill, practice leads to improvement.

Set aside dedicated time each day to write, even if it's just for 15-30 minutes. This daily practice helps you build momentum, reduces the time it takes to get into the flow, and makes the act of writing feel less daunting. Over time, you'll notice that you can produce content more quickly and with greater ease.

Writing daily not only boosts your speed but also enhances your overall writing skills and creativity.


Tip 10: Stuff Your Brain with Information Before Writing


Doing thorough research before you start writing can significantly enhance your writing speed.

When you have a wealth of information at your fingertips, you won't waste time searching for facts or struggling to develop ideas mid-writing.

Spend time gathering and organizing all the necessary information related to your topic. Read articles, watch videos, take notes, and outline key points. This preparation fills your brain with the material you need, making it easier to write smoothly and quickly.

With a solid understanding of your topic, you can focus on crafting your message rather than pausing to look up details, ultimately speeding up your writing process.


Tip 11: Set a Word Count Goal

Setting a specific word count goal for each writing session can boost your writing speed.

Having a clear target helps you stay focused and motivated, pushing you to write more efficiently.

Decide on a realistic word count that you aim to achieve within your writing session, such as 500 or 1,000 words. Use this goal to guide your pace and keep you on track. You might find it helpful to break this down further, aiming for a certain number of words per hour or per writing block. This method keeps you accountable and gives you a tangible measure of progress, making it easier to maintain a steady writing flow.


Tip 12: Get Everything on Paper

One of the fastest ways to increase writing speed is to separate the writing and editing processes.

When you’re drafting, focus solely on getting your ideas down on paper without worrying about perfection.

Writing and editing simultaneously slows you down and disrupts your flow. Instead, let your thoughts pour out freely during the first draft. Don’t stop to fix typos, rephrase sentences, or correct grammar. Just keep writing. This technique allows you to maintain momentum and get a complete draft much faster. You can always go back and refine your work later, but getting everything down first is crucial for maintaining speed and creativity.


Tip 13: Write During Your Peak Productivity Hours


Identify the times of day when you are most alert and focused. Everyone has certain periods during the day when they are at their mental best. For some, it’s early in the morning; for others, it might be late at night.

Schedule your writing sessions during these peak productivity hours. Writing when you’re naturally more focused and energetic can significantly boost your writing speed. You'll find it easier to concentrate, generate ideas, and maintain a steady pace, leading to faster and more efficient writing sessions.


Tip 14: Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Mastering keyboard shortcuts can dramatically increase your writing speed.

Instead of constantly reaching for the mouse or navigating menus, using shortcuts allows you to perform actions quickly and efficiently.

Learn the most common shortcuts for your word processor, such as copy (Ctrl+C), paste (Ctrl+V), undo (Ctrl+Z), and save (Ctrl+S). Familiarize yourself with text navigation shortcuts, like moving to the beginning or end of a document, selecting text, or switching between windows.

These small time-savers add up, enabling you to keep your hands on the keyboard and maintain your writing flow without unnecessary interruptions.


Tip 15: Invest in a Speed Typing Course

Improving your typing speed and accuracy is one of the most effective ways to boost your writing speed.

Consider investing in a speed typing course. These courses are designed to help you type faster and more accurately, which can save you significant time when writing.

Online platforms like TypingClub, Keybr, or offer structured lessons that gradually build your typing skills. By dedicating some time to practice regularly, you'll see improvements in your typing speed.

Faster typing means you can get your ideas down more quickly, reducing the overall time spent on writing tasks and increasing your productivity.


Tip 16: Break Projects into Smaller Tasks

Breaking your writing project into smaller, manageable tasks can significantly increase your writing speed.

Large projects can be overwhelming, causing procrastination and slowing you down. Instead, divide your work into smaller sections or milestones.

For example:

If you’re writing a 2,000-word article, break it down into sections such as the introduction, each H2 heading, and the conclusion. Focus on completing one section at a time.

This approach makes the project feel less daunting and helps you maintain a steady pace. Ticking off each smaller task gives you a sense of accomplishment and keeps you motivated, leading to faster overall completion.


Tip 17: Create a Writing Ritual


Establishing a writing ritual can help you get into the zone quickly and improve your writing speed.

A ritual signals to your brain that it’s time to write, helping you transition into a focused state more efficiently.

Your ritual could include activities like brewing a cup of coffee or tea, playing a specific type of music, or spending a few minutes reading something inspiring. The key is to create a consistent routine that prepares your mind and body for writing.

Over time, this ritual will condition you to enter a productive state faster, making it easier to start writing and maintain a good pace throughout your session.


Tip 18: Use Writing Prompts

Writing prompts are a great way to kickstart your creativity and improve your writing speed.

They provide a starting point, helping you overcome the initial hesitation that often comes with staring at a blank page.

Use writing prompts related to your topic to get your thoughts flowing. They can be questions, statements, or scenarios that encourage you to start writing immediately. Prompts help you focus on specific ideas and can make the writing process feel more manageable.

By using them regularly, you can develop the habit of quickly generating content, which in turn increases your overall writing efficiency.


Tip 19: Keep a Writing Journal


Maintaining a writing journal can significantly boost your writing speed.

A journal allows you to jot down ideas, outline content, and practice writing regularly without the pressure of creating polished work.

Use your journal to capture thoughts, brainstorm, and experiment with different writing styles. This habit keeps your writing muscles active and helps you become more comfortable with the act of writing. When it’s time to work on more formal projects, you’ll find that the practice you’ve put into your journal translates into faster and more confident writing.


Tip 20: Limit Your Research Time

While research is crucial, it’s easy to fall into the trap of over-researching and delaying the actual writing process.

To enhance your writing speed, set a specific time limit for your research phase.

Decide in advance how much time you will spend gathering information—whether it’s 30 minutes, an hour, or two. Stick to this limit strictly. This approach prevents you from getting lost in endless reading and helps you focus on the essential information needed for your writing. With a well-defined research period, you can quickly move on to writing, ensuring a more efficient and streamlined workflow.


Tip 21: Write in a Distraction-Free Environment

Creating a dedicated, distraction-free workspace is essential for increasing your writing speed. Your environment can have a significant impact on your ability to focus and write efficiently.

Choose a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted. Clear your desk of clutter, and make sure you have everything you need within reach, such as water, snacks, and notes. Use noise-canceling headphones or ambient sounds to block out background noise.

By minimizing external distractions, you can maintain a deeper level of concentration and keep your writing flow uninterrupted, leading to faster completion of your projects.


Tip 22: Batch Similar Tasks

Batching similar tasks together can significantly boost your writing speed.

Instead of switching between different types of work, which can be time-consuming and mentally draining, group similar tasks and tackle them in one go.

For example, outline multiple articles in one session, write several first drafts in another, and edit them all in a separate block of time. This approach minimizes the cognitive load of constantly shifting gears and allows you to stay in a focused mindset for each type of task.

Batching tasks helps streamline your workflow, making you more efficient and faster at completing your writing projects.


Tip 23: Use the Right Tools


Investing in the right tools can dramatically enhance your writing speed.

There are numerous software and apps designed to streamline the writing process and help you work more efficiently.

For instance, tools like Scrivener or Ulysses provide powerful organizational features that keep your research, notes, and drafts in one place. Grammarly can help you quickly catch grammar and spelling errors, while tools like Hemingway Editor can make your writing clearer and more concise.

By using these tools, you can reduce the time spent on editing and formatting, allowing you to focus more on content creation and write faster.


Tip 24: Write About What You Know

Writing about topics you are already familiar with can significantly boost your writing speed.

When you have a solid grasp of the subject matter, you can write more fluently and confidently without needing extensive research.

Choose topics within your expertise or areas of interest. Your existing knowledge allows you to articulate ideas more clearly and quickly, reducing the time spent figuring out what to say.

This familiarity not only speeds up the writing process but also enhances the quality of your content, making it more engaging and authoritative.


Tip 25: Use Writing Sprints

Writing sprints are a powerful technique to boost your writing speed.

A writing sprint involves setting a timer and writing as much as you can within that time frame, typically 10-20 minutes. The goal is to write continuously without stopping to edit or overthink.

Set a timer for your desired sprint length, and focus solely on getting words down on the page. After the timer goes off, take a short break, then repeat. This method creates a sense of urgency and helps you maintain focus, making it easier to produce a large volume of work quickly.

Writing sprints are particularly effective for overcoming procrastination and building momentum in your writing sessions.



Use these speed writing tips to get more done, in less time.

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The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE video training straight out of his popular $500 course – Overnight Clients


The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE video training straight out of his popular $500 course – Overnight Clients